Welcome to that-nlp-library
1. Installation
pip install that_nlp_library
It is advised that you manually install torch (with your compatible cuda version if you GPU). Typically it’s
pip3 install torch
Visit Pytorch page for more information
2. High-Level Overview
2.1. Supervised Learning
For supervised learning, the main pipeline contains 2 parts:
: For High-Speed and Customizable Text Processing
Here is a list of processings that you can use (in order). You also can skip any processing if you want to.
Here is an example of the Text Controller for a classification task (predict Division Name
), without any text preprocessing. The code will also tokenize your text field.
tdc = TextDataController.from_csv('sample_data/Womens_Clothing_Reviews.csv',
main_text='Review Text',
label_names='Division Name',
tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained('roberta-base')
And here is an example when all processings are applied
# define a custom augmentation function
from underthesea import text_normalize
import nlpaug.augmenter.char as nac
def nlp_aug(x,aug=None):
results = aug.augment(x)
if not isinstance(x,list): return results[0]
return results
aug = nac.KeyboardAug(aug_char_max=3,aug_char_p=0.1,aug_word_p=0.07)
nearby_aug_func = partial(nlp_aug,aug=aug)
# initialize the TextDataController
tdc = TextDataController.from_csv(dset,
main_text='Review Text',
# metadatas
# label
label_names='Division Name',
label_tfm_dict={'Division Name': lambda x: x if x!='Initmates' else 'Intimates'},
# row filter
filter_dict={'Review Text': lambda x: x is not None,
'Division Name': lambda x: x is not None,
# text transformation
# validation split
stratify_cols=['Division Name'],
# upsampling
upsampling_list=[('Division Name',lambda x: x=='Intimates')]
# text augmentation
tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained('roberta-base')
For an in-depth tutorial on Text Controller for Supervised Learning (TextDataController
), please visit here
This library also supports a streamed version of Text Controller (TextDataControllerStreaming
), allowing you to work with data without having it entirely on your memory. You can still perform all the processings in the non-streamed version, except for Train/Validation split (which means you have to define your validation set beforehand), and Upsampling.
For more details on streaming, visit how to create a streamed dataset and how to train a model with a streamed dataset
If you are curious on the time and space efficiency between streamed and non-streamed version, visit the benchmark here
: For customizable model training/inference/interpretation
Here is an example of using ModelController
to train a simple 6-class classification RoBERTa model, with the data and the preprocessing steps stored in our previous TextDataController
# Load the model from HuggingFace, with the number of classes defined in our TextDataController object
num_labels = len(tdc.label_lists[0])
model = RobertaForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('roberta-base',num_labels=num_labels)
# Create the `ModelController` object
controller = ModelController(model,data_store=tdc,seed=42)
# You can define multiple metrics for model evaluation
metric_funcs = [partial(f1_score,average='macro'),accuracy_score]
# Training the model for 3 epochs, and save all checkpoints to 'my_saved_weights' directory
controller.fit(epochs = 3,
learning_rate = 1e-4,
metric_funcs = metric_funcs,
batch_size = 32,
The library can perform the following:
Multiheads, where each head can be either classification or regression
“Multihead” is when your model needs to predict multiple outputs at once, for example, given a sentence (e.g. a review on an e-commerce site), you have to predict what category the sentence is about, and the sentiment of the sentence, and maybe the rating of the sentence.
For the above example, this is a 3-head problem: classification (for category), classification (for sentiment), and regression (for rating from 1 to 5)
For 2-head classification where there’s hierarchical relationship between the first output and the second output (e.g. the first output is level 1 clothing category, and the second output is the level 2 clothing subcategory), you can utilize two specific approaches for this use-case: training with conditional probability, or with deep hierarchical classification
Decoupling of Text Controller and Model Controller
In this library, you can utilize TextDataController
only to handle all the text processings, and have the final processed-HuggingFace-DatasetDict returned to you. But if you have your own processed DatasetDict, you can skip the TextDataController
and use only the ModelController
for training your data. There’s a quick tutorial on this decoupling here
2.2 Language Modeling
For language modeling, the main pipeline also contains 2 parts
: Text Data Controller for Language Model
Similarly to TextDataController
, TextDataLMController
also provide a list of processings (except for Label Processing, Upsampling and Text Augmentation). The controller also allows tokenization line-by-line or by token concatenation.
Visit the tutorial here
There’s also a streamed version (TextDataLMControllerStreaming
). Here is a tutorial on how to train a language model with a streamed dataset
: Language Model Controller
The library can train a masked language modeling (BERT, RoBERTa …) or a causal language model (GPT) either from scratch or from existing pretrained language models.